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The Better Hip Challenge

Discover the Power of Movement: A FREE 4-Day Challenge to Better Hips!

Join the FREE 4-Day Challenge

Live on Oct 14th - 17th, 5-6 pm PDT


*YES! Replays will be available

My Pain Story:

My name is Vinny Crispino, founder of Pain Academy. I’m a former 8x All-American Olympic hopeful who broke my back in a surfing accident in my early 20’s.

I’ve spent the better part of the past 12 years in the field of pain and corrective exercise, learning what it takes to make a comeback after life-changing injuries. I’ve worked with everyone, from world class athletes to people who’ve never set foot in a gym: I’ve seen it all and have been through it all. Now, I’ve condensed my knowledge into a powerful 4-day challenge. 

Join me in this LIVE workshop that’s all about helping you move better and taking the first steps towards life without hip pain.

Give Me Just ONE Hour a Day And Over 4-Days I’ll Give You:

What You Can Expect During the FREE 4-Day ‘Better Hip Challenge’

Simple Routines. Real Relief .

64% of our students experience INSTANT relief after just ONE session using our unique method…

On the Hip Back Challenge, I’ll walk you through FOUR of these sessions LIVE to help you relieve back back, unlock tight hips, and begin unwinding painful imbalances.

Understand Your Body Like Never Before.

Even though the SYMPTOMS typically look the same…

The CAUSE of hip pain is different from person to person.

The hips can hurt because of tight hips, wonky knees, weak ankles, slouched shoulders, muscle imbalances, and the list goes on.

During the ‘Better Hip Challenge’ I’ll help you understand your body like never before and help you get clear on the REAL cause of your chronic hip pain––because chances are, your hips are paying the price for other muscles and joints in your body not moving well. it’s NOT your hips!)

Get on the “Right Track” to Lifelong Relief.

You can’t expect to solve hip pain––or any other BIG problem––in just 4-days.

But by the end of the ‘Better Hip Challenge’ you CAN feel like you’re on the right track to solving your pain for GOOD.

4 Day Breakdown

This challenge will last 4 days long so I can have enough time to help make a change in your life. Each day we are going to add additional exercises, assessments, and cover information from a different perspective giving you as complete of a picture as possible as to why you are in pain and more importantly, what you can start doing about it!

Day 1: Introduction

Goal: Assess movement patterns and lower pain levels with simple movements

Intention: Relax and downregulate the nervous system while reeducating basic muscles on how to work properly.

Day 2: Movement Patterns & Function Analysis

Intention: Learn how to use your own experience with movement to understand your problem and realize the solution

What’s new: Adding shoulder exercises to give your back more suppor

Day 3: Deep Dive with Dysfunction

Intention: Explore how hip dysfunction can throw off lumbopelvic rhythm (hips that don’t move force the back to move in excess)

What’s new: Adding hip mobility exercises to loosen up the back

Day 4: Maintaining Your Results

Intention: Introduce new exercises to invigorate the body and build on the momentum gained from the last 3 days. 

Whats new: Begin core training to stabalize the spine and discuss next steps should you want to continue your progress

Our Students Feel Better, Move Better, and LIVE Better

Join the FREE 4-Day “Better Hip” Challenge

Live Oct 14th – 17th, 5-6 pm PDT​


*YES! Replays will be available

© Pain Academy 2024. All Rights Reserved.

Better Hip Challenge

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Better Hip Challenge

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