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Scoliosis Challenge

Below you’ll find quick access to watch each day’s live session and access replays after the day is over.

About your Host:

Learn how Pain Academy Founder, Vinny, Broke and Healed his Back after a devastating suffering injury.

Day by Day 👇


Day 1: Calming Down The Curves

Day 1 is about showing you various ways to relax the curves of the spine with floor based exercises as well as covering a few assessments so you can understand how the ankles, knees hips and shoulders are also impacted by scoliosis.

Equipment needed for tonight:
1 chair
1-2 pillows
A pair of shoes

Scoliosis - Day 1


Day 2: Actively Restoring Balance

On Day 2 we’ll get into more active exercises to restore balance to the body so the spine can have better support on a day-to-day basis. We’ll go over a new assessment or two so you can further reconnect and understand your scoliosis and the impact it has on the rest of your body.

Equipment needed for tonight:
1 chair
1-2 pillows
A Pair of Shoes
2 stacks of books about 4-6 inches high (paper towel rolls, or 2 yoga blocks, or two shoe boxes will work great as well)

Scoliosis - Day 2

Win Wall

Thank you so so much for putting on this challenge! I was shocked at how painful it was to just rotate my feet. I am committed to changing this and healing my body. If you had charged for it I most likely would not have joined as I have spent thousands with no real relief. I am so very grateful for your gracious soul!


I was sick last week but participated in days 1 and 2 replays. Usually I need to stop walking frequently to rest my hips and knees. I was able to walk 2 miles yesterday with very little lower back pain after just 2 days!


I haven’t been able to join a live yet but I did the replay of Day 1 yesterday. Wasn’t sure how I would feel today because I felt pretty rough after the session. Today I decided to do some things in the yard and just kept going like never before. I was able to pull weeds and trim the yard and so many other things that I haven’t been able to do for at least 5 years! Getting ready to do Day 2 via replay. I’m hooked!

Stephanie B

I realized my left shoulder pain is probably connected to my left hip pain. Engaging my glutes the four days of the workshop, I can already feel an increased strength.


The exercises in this 4-day series made a big difference for me!!! I have a lifelong struggle with the effects of hypermobility and am soo glad Vinny talked ablutvthat in the end. Knowing you are able to take this special need into account cinched it for me 🙂 I’m much looking forward to your program and will give it my all!!

Regine Goerke

The adduct/abduct exercises with the belt and cushion were a fame changer for my left hip. I could actually move today with 30% less pain!!! Thank-you

Beth hynes

Quit my job as an apartment cleaner last month after struggling since September because I had a hard time climbing steps and lugging around the vaccum. I had no idea my dysfunction was top to bottom. The workshop came at a great time in my life. I been put on a waiting list for seeing an orthopedic surgeon and not able to get into physio for almost two months. Thank you very much Vinny for this teaching.


You have shown me and convinced me how everything works together. I noted left arm and shoulder pain recently, not realizing it was related to my left hip issues — severe arthritis and bone spurs. Overall alignment has improved and with it, I have less vulnerability and more confidence. Thank you for using your pain to help me and so many with theirs!


Too early for me for the live seminar but looking forward to binging this weekend all 4 sessions. I did a little bit of Day 2 last night and wow, just wow, so looking forward to the rest!


So, I have only been able to do the replays, but they have been great. I took lots of notes during each days assessment of how my body functioned and felt. Day one standing assessment I cried, as I could not hold the standing pose and had to sit. Actually I cried through the entire video everything hurt and was on fire, but I got through it. Day two no tears and felt and saw improvement. Day three stronger and more confident in movements. Bonus I can stand without shifting or needing to sit or lean on something for a longer period of time. I am still not pain free, but like you say its just day three.


I am 69 years old and was born with hip dysplasia that was not discovered until I was 14 months old when I started walking. Through casting and a few years in a wheelchair, my ball and socket formed. I started learning to walk at age 5. I love your approach and methods, but my left leg is now at least an inch shorter than the right. I have frozen hip flexors and arthritis and pain when walking in both hips. Although I am 5’1” and have kept my weight at 112, given my lifelong hip trauma and imbalance, how can your program help? Thank you! Sharon


Day 2, feeling way more stable and balanced. The wall sit though. My right knee crunches and feels like it doesn’t know what to do. When I move my toes my knee crunches. Though crunches doesn’t seem like the right word to describe it.


Had emotional release doing hip raises Day 1. Day 2…… I was a blubbering fool with just the ankle rotations and hip squeezes.
Did wake up middle of the night with major greater trochanter pain in left hip…which was not my problem hip. Exactly!!!!!


Unable to do live but do the replay in the morning. Have sciatic issues and this is really helping.


I had to cut out of the first session but I just finished doing the replay and believe me my right hip sciatica that has been bothering me for years hasn’t bothered me yet since I did each one of these movements the only thing that was hard was the rotation of the feet they just do not want to work but using your knowledge and doing these routines I believe will help me be able to walk better. I’m a long-term covid and I have a lot of issues but believe me this helped a lot I’m looking forward to watching the replay of number two and I will be there for number three. Thank you Vinny great job


Good night Vinny l like your way of excersising and talking l am an old lady waiting for a hip replacement but l like to move a bit so your excersises are just fine for me l do the best l can l did them last night and this morning l feel good so thank you see you soon


After the first video I felt more limber than I have in years and can even do a squat from a standing position devoid of excruciating pain. Am really looking forward to the next three videos! Many thanks, Vinny!


After seeing yesterday’s replay and doing these exercises sure is identifying the pain areas that need work. Also, realizing hip pain may be caused by undetected issue with lower back and nerves. May not be the hip. You are very knowledgeable! Looking forward to seeing what’s next.


This is soooo amazing!
I turned 70, had 8 years of undiagnosed hip shredding, bedridden and on essential pain meds.
Two hips replacements, resulting in a slightly shorter rt leg.
And major low back surgery. You get the drift.
I also tried everything!
I’m a massage therapist/energy worker, for goodness sake!
Today was so much fun
Brilliant, clear, kind, encouraging, attentive!
Great teacher! Great info!
I had no contact w glutes! None! Clueless!
Then, I did!
The wall sit was eye opening. Ugh!
I’ve been dancing conscious movement for 7 years.
I’ve worked through a lot, but lately, prone to lots of pain. I’m in teacher training and was feeling very discouraged.
By addressing these issues,
I hope to dance till I’m 120!


Great first session! I’ve been having more and more pain in my hip and just this first session has help me recognize what’s going on. Really looking forward to the next couple of days of the challenge. I’ve already recommended it to someone else.


At first my sciatic area felt sore when just laying on the floor and doing the exercises, but after doing all the exercises I now have a nice warm sensation in my sciatic area and across my shoulders


I am a chiropractor working in London UK. Thank you for your generosity in sharing this information. I am recommending you to my chronic hip pain patients. Sometimes it is difficult to get them to understand that they need to master the fundamentals before moving on to more advanced exercise routines, you explain it so well. Thank you.


Wow! These assessments and very simple movements have gotten me moving again. Exploring the relationship between my shoulders and hips has been mind-blowing.
Thank you.

Karen T

I’m very thx full that Vinny you had put on theses two challenges between back an hip I found its the hip issue I have which in turn wasent helping my back same time thx you for eye opener nothing but appreciation for you. Thx u


I can’t believe how much my pain is reduced after the 4 sessions. I’ve been going to PT, accupuncture, manual osteopathy…but your sessions helped me immediately. Thank you so, so much!


After digging a small grave in hard clay for my dog, I had hip pain from June thru Oct. I participated in your 4-day Better Hip Challenge sometime back in late fall. I have been including your 4-day Challenge exercises in what I usually do – weight training, & taking sporadic yoga classes – and I have been pain FREE for months now. If your basic, simple foundational exercises can do that, I know that your year-long program is worth the cost. I plan to continue incorporating your 4-day challenge basic exercises into my days & if I ever, ever get another injury or pain in my back or hip, I know the person & program to trust.

Elaine Parry

Thanks for sharing, excellent explanation and exercises.

Maria Luisa Mercader

I wasn’t the part of live program, however I made sure I watch the recorded session.These session are 100% helpful.I feel small correction post the 4 day hip challenge.

Deepak Shetty

Thank you for your podcast! I’m an Exercise Physiologist and certified Golf Tpi certified instructor. One of the best hip/shoulder awareness videos I’ve seen. Thanks 🙏

Richard Morris

I think is this by far the best program I done. I seen over 20 doctors and therapist, I done all kind of programs and my pains remain. This program in 3 days has made me feel different. The pain and the stiffness are still there but my body feels a little different, I can’t explain how, but it must be that things are changing for the better.
Thank you.


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